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Q: Why should our family consider Pacific Academy Costa Mesa?

A: PACM is distinctive for these features - 

  • Innovative and successful trilingual curriculum

  • Small class sizes allow for personalized attention, ensuring each child's talents are recognized and nurtured

  • A high academic standards supported by a focus on Social Emotional Learning

  • A strong community that cultivates a wide range of extracurricular activities that enrich the educational experience

  • Dedicated and passionate teachers and administrators

  • A positive school environment guided by respect and trust


Q: Why should we consider a trilingual school?

A: Learning multiple languages at a young age is an invaluable gift that we can give our children.  

  • ​Early childhood immersion is critical for language acquisition. At PACM, students as young as 3 year old's communicates daily in three languages.

  • Speaking the heritage language creates meaningful connections to family members that your child will cherish forever. 

  • Acquiring a life-long skill that your child can apply in academic studies and careers later on.

Why Trilingual

Q: What is Project-Based Learning, and why is it important?

A: Project-Based Learning (PBL) is a an inquiry-based and dynamic teaching approach where students learn by engaging in real-world issues or tackle an essential question.

  • Each class has at least one project per semester in which students collaborate, explore, make choices, think critically and create a product for a real audience. A primary goal of the program is to inspire students to obtain deeper knowledge about the subjects they are studying. 


Q: What does the interview entail?

A: Interview is a way for us to get to know the students!   

  • We want to know your child not only academically but also as individuals. Interview is a great opportunity for us to learn more about the student's learning styles in a formal class setting.  During the interview, we will also observe the student's classroom readiness and maturity in terms of social-emotional development. 

What Interview

Q: What is the ratio per class?

A: PACM has small class sizes for preschool and K-6, ensuring care and attention to each child.

  • Under California licensing regulations, every 12 preschoolers require 1 teacher’s supervision at all times. For each of our preschool classrooms, we are able to cater up to 15 students with 2 lead teachers.

  • K-6 class has the capacity to go up to 1:14. Most classes are under 1:12. 

  • In 2023-24, the staff-to-student ratio is 1:4.

What Ratio

Q: Do you provide hot lunch?

A: Healthy school lunches are provided by The Lunch Mob. Students may also bring their own lunch.     

  • Please contact the office on how to order lunch. Information can also be found on your child's acceptance package.

  • Lunch needs to be ordered two weeks in advance. Emergency lunches are available through The Lunch Mob by 7:00 AM on the same day. 

  • PRESCHOOL ONLY: Preschool provides healthy snacks to our preschoolers twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the afternoon. 

Hot Lunch

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